Clownfish being weird

e dub22

New Member
I just put two clownfish in a brand new cycled tank last week. Last night they started hanging out in the corner and one was rearranging the sandbed by swimming in a spiral and flipping up the sand with his fins. Just wondering if this is normal, are they sick ,stressed, laying eggs? Any feedback would be great thanks.


Active Member
None of the above..... Just Clowns being Clowns. They have their own agenda of things they like to do..... Not to worry! :D
Just noticed, you say recently cycled tank..... How recent? You may be adding fish to early... but clowns are hardy fish. :thinking:


Active Member
when i had a maroon clown it used to do that samething, it bug the hell out of me, but i have read in AFM that some clown will do this when a anmonie isn't present in a tank its there way of setting up their spot in the tank


One of my clowns flips the crushed coral all the time, making a 'hole' in the cc bed. I used to smooth it over, then I noticed...that's where he sleeps. So now I smooth it over just to get on his nerves!!!!!