clownfish bullying my yt


alright so i feel that m clownfish is bullying my yellow tang in the tank. the yt wont go near the algae stripts i put out, and the clown eats more of it then the tang does. also this is the same for frozen shrim


Might be time to give the clown a time out? Is this a Maroon Clown by any chance?
Do you feed in one location or allow the food to spread around the tank? My tangs bully each other over the seaweed clips, and some of my fish won't eat off them, so I got rid of them. Now, I hold the seaweed in the water near a powerhead or return pump and rub it in between my fingers so that it falls apart and floats freely around the tank like flake food. Each fish can't be in two places at once and it really helped cut down on the food aggression. I also feed meaty foods in front of powerheads and return pumps for the same reason.
If you've tried that and it doesn't work, time out for the clown or rearrange the rock work.