Clownfish by glass?


Any particular reason my percula clown likes to hang out near the glass...He's always within a couple inches of the glass and never goes near the liverock. Is there somehting wrong or is this normal. Thanks-Greg


Active Member

Originally posted by TheDocta
Any particular reason my percula clown likes to hang out near the glass...He's always within a couple inches of the glass and never goes near the liverock. Is there somehting wrong or is this normal. Thanks-Greg

He's probably just looking at his reflection...thinks it's another clown. He'll stop when he gets bored. Nothing to worry about. :D


He must not get bored very easily because he has been doing it since he survived the ick that killed the rest of my fish about 2 months ago...will he stop when more fish are added? Right now it's him and my SFE but the eel will soon be gone and gobies, blennies, and more clowns will move in. Thanks-Greg


My clown moves ALL the sand from one side of my aquarium to the other - and then he chills near the bottom side - I have been told that they like the feel of a smooth surface, but he is driving me crazy. It takes him about a day to clear out a space he uses his back tail and also picks up the sand in his mouth and spits it out. It was awesome at first, not it is a pain in the butt.


Ya that would get pretty annoying...Mine still loves the glass and gets as close to the people out side it as he can. Im hoping he'ss leave the glass and host the xenia I'm gettin in a couple weeks. -Greg


My clown rarely leaves the return corner of my 155 tank....all that space and he claims the lil corner...he stays away from my rocks and decorations and all.....But he'll attack me as soon as i put my hand in the water funny lil guy


my suggestion to all of u that are upset with there clown in the corner of the tanks.... mine did this until i went and put a solid blue colored cup in there.... he now is ether inside the cup or swimming to the glass waiting for me to feed him...