Clownfish coloring...

mot ii

We recently noticed that our largest clownfish is starting to get darker on the top and down the sides. It's not an 'ick' type coloring (not speckles like pepper) but rather just an overall darkening of color. The smaller clown seems to maybe be starting to get this too, but it isn't very noticeable yet. They are eating good, not scratching on rocks, etc. No real sign of any problems - just the coloring changing.
The only new change to our tank was the addition of a flame hawkfish about a week ago. We got him from a friend who isn't doing SW anymore. Their other fish(s) died from regular ick, but the hawkfish never showed signs. When we got him we did a freshwater dip, put him in the QT and did hyposalinity for three weeks, then regular salinity another week (bringing the levels up slowly.) He never appeared to have any problems, etc.
Any ideas what we might be dealing with?


Staff member
There may be some hyper-melanization going on.

mot ii

Thanks Beth. We do have a LT anenome, but the clowns usually don't hang around it much (don't host it, etc.) But with the new hawkfish, they have been fussing around after the new guy a bit so maybe they're around the anenome more.