clownfish compatability


i have a pair of maroons, about 2". i want to get black and whites, will my maroons let them live? are there other clowns that could survive?


Active Member
There has been cases where two different types of clowns have lived peacefully, but that is in very large tanks. What tank size is it. Most likely you're going to have problems if you combined the clowns.


Active Member
Well I may be wrong but I think the female in a pair of clownfish is dominate and very territorial. If you do get two types of clowns (I wouldn't do 3 or more), try to acclimate them to oppisite sides of the tank. If you're getting an anemone put those on the oppisite sides so both pairs will stay close to the anemone on oppisite sides. Also I wouldn't try a maroon clownfish and another species because Maroon clownfishes are more aggresive. What types of clowns do you have in mind?


Active Member
Wait until you actually get the 240 G tank. IMHO - marrons are the most aggressive of the clownfish species and they will kill any clowns that come within their own territory. If I'm not mistaken - I thought pairing up Maroons are difficult to do - unless you have a true mated pair. MIKE22cha does have a good suggestion to try - place anemones on opposites sides of tank.


Active Member
Well maybe try the two different types of percula clowns. Yes and definetly wait for the 240. Is the 240 7ftx2ft?


Active Member
Okay so its a show tank where it's taller than normal. Well I'd get more input but I don't think you could do two in a 6ft long tank.