clownfish eggs


We have a 110 with several clownfish. Well, finally and out of nowhere 2 have mated and give me some babies. I have been reading about taking the eggs out and putting into a smaller tank (which I have).
What I really want to know is if I do need to do this and how do I get them off, b/c they are on the wall of the tank.
Thanks and any help is welcome!


There's a great book out called: Clownfishes by Joyce D. Wilkerson. If you really want to raise clownfish I would start there. You need to set up a special tank and have special food ready for the fry.
Since the eggs are attached to the wall you won't be able to move them.
Just a few quick notes.
1) Eggs can not be exposed to the air.
2) The eggs will hatch in about a week. You'll be able to see the little silver eyes and then within the next day or so they will hatch about 2 hours after the lights go out. You can hold up a flashlight and they will swim to it.
3) It will give you great joy, but the next morning there is no sign of them. They become a late night snack, or get sucked into the filters.
As with everything in this hobby, knowledge is a great power. Read, read and read somemore.

My clowns have been laying eggs for over a year now, and I'm still not ready to raise them. It takes a lot of time.


Thanks indeed. I will check that book out! I am starting to see the silver eyes now, and it looks as if the clowns are maybe eating them. It looks like they are pecking maybe and some of the eggs are gone. Or maybe some have already hatched.
I hate that I will prob lose them! I get super excited when I see eggs in my tank..
...Thanks for the help.


The male usually takes care of the eggs. My female will stand on gaurd. I think she would even try to take me on.

The first batch they layed was not very large, and I don't think they all hatched, but now they have alot and I still sit up until after 10 to watch the little fry swim. I've only missed 2 hatching in over a year.


I am def aware of the female. Before I added a sebae mine would stand me down...literally! lol
I bought a "breeder net" not sure of its quality or effectiveness but I was thinking could i: right before they hatch could I attach this "boxed-net" around the eggs and they could swim around in that. The mesh is thin enough they wont fly through it.
I could add food in there etc. What do you think about using something like that?


I am not an expert by any means. I just read a lot. I've never read anything like that. Maybe you could start a new trend. I know they need to have rotifers to feed on right away.
If you try it let me know how it goes.


ok I tried the boxed net and i Couldn't get it to stick to the wall. I turned the lights out about 3:30pM and I turned everything off so the current wouldn't push them all around. well, I waited 2 hrs waiting for them to hatch with my flashlight, and....I got nothing. I decided to take a breaK and I went to town....needless to say I saw no eggs on the wall or in my box. I was gone maybe an hour... I have no idea what happened to them. Not unless they floated out from the Sides. I bet that's what happened. No good News I guess, just better luck next time.