clownfish eggs??


Hey guys,
I haven't posted in a while, because I just got married and just returned from the honeymoon. The power went out a lot while I was gone so I returned to a nasty algae bloom, it is cleaning up nicely though. Anyway my question is.... My clown pair is doing well, but I have these slime things floating on the surface and some hooked to my turbo snails. Are these egg sacs of some sort? Maybe clownfish or snail? Are clowns egg layers or live bearers?


Active Member
Clownfish do lay eggs, but I believe they usually stake out a spot (in the wild this is usually the base an anemone, but in the aquarium they can just stake out a hole in the live rock) and lay all their eggs there and then they guard the spot.


are they clear and have little white dots in them?
If so, then they should be snail eggs, IMO. I am not familiar with clown eggs.


Active Member
I am not sure what to tell you about the stuff in your tank, without a pic I have no idea what they could be, I have never had snail eggs or any type of eggs in my tank so I am not much help there I am afraid. Perhaps if you could list everything you have in the tank it will shed some light and of course a picture would help a lot.
Bye the way, Congrats on the marriage, I hope you guys have many happy years together, me and my hubby are coming up on our 4th anniversary and every day just gets better than the next.