clownfish feeding question?


ok well in my ten gallon when its done cycleing im going to be getting either 1 true perc or a pair since i hear there happier in pairs(is this true).i want to have them on a healthy diet and i dont really want to overfeed what do you guys feed your clownfish and what days do you feed, what days do you skip on feeding or do you feed everyday?
any info would be great.thanks


Active Member
i have 2 percs and i feed them flakes one day then the next day i feed them vitamin enhanced brine shrimp and so on i feed them every day....they way to ell if your over fedding them is put some food in and after 3 minutes if theres any left then scoop it out... if they eat it al pretty quickly feed them a little more


Active Member
I feed my 2 occellaris clowns a mixture of frozen mysis shrimp and cyclopeeze .... they love it and it's very nutritious for them. Once every other day.


thanks thats what i was going to be feeding them the mysis shrimp matbe some brine shrimo and cyclopeeze.they dont eat algea sheets do they?


Active Member
Good choices .... brine shrimp is good for a treat now and then, but not very high in nutrition. I really don't know about algae sheets.


Active Member
I just got a pair of clowns myself, but have been feeding them a shop concoction of food that the LFS here makes out of all natural ingredients that fish would normally additives, and easy to feed.......but its kept frozen..Has squid, shrimp, scallops, and some other odds and ends. Sells it in a ziplok abut 10 inches square and 1/2 inch thick....$5.50 a pack and it will not foul water, as most of the times there is absolutely nothing left once you feed its gone in a additives in the way of binders etc to make pellets or flakes keep their less additions to water content....Prior I was feeding small pelletized food which they ate just as well.