Clownfish food


Hi all. What's the best food for clownfish? I'm not trusting my Ex-LFS so I thought I'd ask the "experts" h*
Thanks - Dxtr


Active Member
i don't know what's best for them but i know what they like.
my maroons eat everything.
my percs like cyclop-ezee, frozen brime shrimps, tetra flakes with veggies, and flakes with dry brime shrimps, some kind of green pallets the name escapes me.


well, I have one Perc left (long story, bad advise from X-LFS) and I have some Hikari Multi-Vitamin enriched Daphnia that says it's good for all tropical, marine, soft corals, and anemonies, however, i have yet to see my lil perc eat any of it and i am gettin quite worried about him. Have any of you heard of this food? :notsure:
I plan on gettin him a friend and an anemone as soon as my phosphates are in control.
My latest specs are: :happy:
Temp: 78
Sal: 35
Grav: 1.026
pH: 8.2
Alk: 5.5
Nitrates: 15
Nitrites: 0
Ammonia: 0
Phosphates: off scale, however, i have phosphate absorber in tank for 2nd time
I have the Coralife light now and my new LFS says it's good for anemonies and "some" basic corals, however, I am no where near ready for corals.
I'm wondering mainly if my perc is gonna be OK since he is not eating. :help:
Thanks for you help - Dxtr


Active Member
my percs love hikari marine -s-
s either stands for sinking type or for small fish.
you probably shouldn't add another fish or anemone at this point.


Get some frozen food! You could get a Saltwater Multipack (there are 4 different foods in there: marine cuisine, emerald entree, frozen brine shrimp, and squid) and see which the clown likes. Mine didn't like the brine shrimp and squid at first, but have started eating it recently. They always loved the other two. Then try Formula 1 and 2 on them. Cyclop-eeze. Flakes soaked in tank water or garlic. There are many options! Incidentally, you can soak just about anything in garlic - the fish love it!


Here is what i feed my pair

Flake Food
Flake Brine Shrimp
Brine Shrimp
Missis Shrimp
Think Thats it :thinking:
Oh yah not all at the same time