well, I have one Perc left (long story, bad advise from X-LFS) and I have some Hikari Multi-Vitamin enriched Daphnia that says it's good for all tropical, marine, soft corals, and anemonies, however, i have yet to see my lil perc eat any of it and i am gettin quite worried about him. Have any of you heard of this food? :notsure:
I plan on gettin him a friend and an anemone as soon as my phosphates are in control.
My latest specs are: :happy:
Temp: 78
Sal: 35
Grav: 1.026
pH: 8.2
Alk: 5.5
Nitrates: 15
Nitrites: 0
Ammonia: 0
Phosphates: off scale, however, i have phosphate absorber in tank for 2nd time
I have the Coralife light now and my new LFS says it's good for anemonies and "some" basic corals, however, I am no where near ready for corals.
I'm wondering mainly if my perc is gonna be OK since he is not eating. :help:
Thanks for you help - Dxtr