Clownfish fungus?


I have a pair of Perculas...The smaller of the two has a white growth on mouth. It almost makes it look like he has an underbite...The larger Percula has a little white dot under mouth that hasn't grown but I noticed a few days ago...
I would have posted on disease board but I'm wondering if this is common in clowns and wanted to get your feedback...I saw the same stuff on a pair of Perculas in the fish store a few weeks ago...What do you think? I don't think it's stress related from pairing behavior but maybe a fungus of some kind...Cauliflower disease? What do you guys think? They are active and eating well...
Should I just ride it out letting them heal on own? Water parameters are good, I did start using RO water though, and added a Kole Tang which looks good. Maybe that threw off the tank chemistry.


For those interested, fungus appears to be clearing up...I'm feeding the fish a wide a variety of food and lots of it. Hopefully it's helping boost their immune systems...
I also did 20% water changes the last two weekends...Maybe there is something in the water.