Clownfish Gone?


Ive had a pair of tank raised percs in my tank for about 3 months now. Both have always been very healthy and eating good and never fought. I noticed that one is gone!:( What couldve happened? Nothing new has been added since then. What could it be?


do they have an anenome? Sometimes they do eat clownfish. Check for carpet diving suicide. They aren't big jumpers but you never know. Also how long has it been missing? Do you have a lot of live rock? Maybe you should start lifting it to see if he's hiding, or...dead unfortunately.
The funniest thing is that I can just hear Austin Powers saying that, with his accent and everything. Too funny! Now, everytime I read one of jamesurq's posts, I'm going to to hear Austin Powers talking in my head! :D


How much for da children...your girls...I want your much.
-place that line
I heard there were children present