clownfish help


Does anyone know how to tell if two clownfish have paired?? What are some steps to help them pair up??
I've read that it's mostly a matter of luck, and I know that the bigger one will become the female.
There are two ocellaris at my LFS that spend a lot of time together, and leave the other ocellaris in the tank alone. The bigger one is about 1.75" long, and the smaller one is maybe 1.25" long. I guess it's about a 50/50 shot that they'll pair, but what are some things I can do to play matchmaker?? ;)


Active Member
Just buying two that are the same size or one that is significantly larger than the other will almost garauntee a pair up.
All juvie clowns are just that - juveniles (sp) and pretty much stay that way in a group until one (usually most dominant) becomes a female. Then one will become a male - all the rest stay juvenile and will separate, pair off somewhere else or get killed. Should the male die, another Juv will become male. Should the female die - the male becomes female and another juv becomes male.
This is a very generic description of the process and I think it depends on the species and environment - tanks being more difficult for multiple pairs to develope.
I bought two Occellaris that were bout the same size and now have a very happy couple. The have bonded to each other and a rather large hairy mushroom.