Clownfish Help


I purchased my first fish this weekend. He is a false percula. I do not know what I was thinking but he seemed so lonely in the tank by himself. I plan to get a Clarkii to go along with him. My two questions are this: I have no idea what to feed him. The lfs said brine shrimp but I want to be sure that is accurate info. I also heard that if you feed him shrimp all the time he may become aggressvie because they are not true meat eaters. Also, I have heard so much about the anemones eating fish I am not sure if I want one in my tank. Is this ok? Will the clownfish be happy without one?


Active Member
don't get a clarkii to go along with it, i wanted to but after reading up i found out they will just fight and probably kill eachotehr, you do NOT need an anemone but if you want it to host something then maybe look up frogspawn corals. I feed mine flake, so i cant help u out with food