Clownfish home - not anemone


Active Member
Ok not sure if this is the right place to post this, but since it is about clowns I thought I would try.
I would like to have a mushroom or something like that for my clowns to host. This is what Im thinking - Green hairy mushroom, a Ricordia (ms) or a hammer.
Would my clowns like any of those? I have 130 watts of Pc lighting in 29 gal. 65 watts of 12,000K and 1 65 watt actinic 03. I am not looking at getting more lighting. I have already been told on this board that I should be able to keep any corals EXCEPT sps and anemones.
Any advice or suggestions?


Active Member
Clowns may or may not take to those. Sort of a gamble. No real way to tell for sure with them. My percs have found my mushrooms to be a cozy spot to hang out. The female sits on them most of the day and totally ignores my anemone.
You do have ample lighting for those corals you listed. I would try them and see what happens. Your clowns may take to one or all of them!


Active Member
ok great. Next question. Do I need to test for anything inparticular before purchasing one or all of these?


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
ok great. Next question. Do I need to test for anything inparticular before purchasing one or all of these?
Yes. Your ammonia and nitrites should be zero. NitrAtes shoudl be under 20. pH should be 8.2 to 8.3, sg 1.024-1.025, alkalinity 8-12 dKH.
These are parameters that you should regularly test for anyway. This is even more important when keeping corals as slight changes in any of these can spell disaster.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheGrog
Yes. Your ammonia and nitrites should be zero. NitrAtes shoudl be under 20. pH should be 8.2 to 8.3, sg 1.024-1.025, alkalinity 8-12 dKH.
These are parameters that you should regularly test for anyway. This is even more important when keeping corals as slight changes in any of these can spell disaster.

Ok here is what I have
Sg 1.026 (is this to high)
Ph 8.2
Trites 0
trates 0
ammonia 0
9.0 dKH
Calcium 560 (Is this to high)