*clownfish info

salty chee

Clownfish (Amphiprion)
Clownfish are damselfish that live in association with certain species of anemonies in the ocean, but may be kept without them in an aquarium. Most popular is the common clownfish or false percula. Other good choices of clowns are are clarks anemonie fish or clarkii clownfish, the tomatoe clownfish, and the maroon clownfish.
Typicaly, a group of clownfish consists of a dominate female, a smaller less dominate male, and several juviniles. In order to be like this group, clownfish are capible of changing --- as they mature. One problem with clownfish is keeping different species in one aquarium. As the clownfish mature, they become more aggresive and will fishting. It is best to keep only one species of clownfish in your aqurium.
If you want an anemonie, you better be prepaired. The lighting for an anemonie costs a lot. Laso it would be better if you already have expierience with them. If you don't want an anemonie, you can get a feather duster. They don't require a lot of work.
Hope this helps!