clownfish jumping out of tank


Hi. I have had clowns before, and they invriably jump out of my tank through the holes for the filters etc. Has anyone had problems with this? I would like to get more, but hate the thought of another fish dying in my hands :0)


Active Member
My tomato doesn't even like to go near the waits for the food to sink to it's level before even eating.


Active Member
I had a clarkii and now have a sebae and neither would really leave their anemones, never seen either at the top of the tank unless it was feeding time. And at night layed in their anemone. What clowns did you have?


Active Member
pyro, egg crate! that's a great idea. i dunno why, but i never thought of that. i was trying to figure out how to cover everything with plexi-glass.


Another thing I have seen used is that black plastic mesh that is supposed to keep leaves from getting into your gutters. Doesn't work for gutters, but does for keeping fish from the leap of death.


They were always percs. I've lost 4 this way. Want to get another pair eventually, but am afraid :0) They aren't even big holes!


I Know! Now you can see my hesitation in getting more. They were two at a time - always lost one shortly before hte other one. I HATE when fish die in my tank.


Active Member
TWHfan, well, they didn't actually die in your tank, did they? j/k i have been lucky enough not to have to deal with flying fish yet, but I agree it would really really suck.


Ha ha ha :D I guess not. It's not like they didn't have enough room or anything, it's a 120! However, they usually went in pairs. I'd have two, one would "disappear" then a week later, so would the other one. I'm a ways away from more clowns yet, I need to get some red algae under control before I add much more, but it's a thought for the future.


Active Member
yes.....a classic case....of fish suicide....tragic really.....had so much to live for.......if only.....if only.....we had known.....