Clownfish Mating???


Active Member
I"M BACK! havent been on the forum for a while, now u guys have a new set up and everything(very nice) anyways, my clownfish have been together for a long time now, i bought them nonmated and they seem to be in item now, their is a white bulb anemone which is their home. how long about do you believe it will take them to breed and will i be able to tell if the clownfish is pregnant?????


SMoney...I don't think anyone can answer when or if your clowns will spawn. I know that they lay eggs and the other will fertilie them. They usually lay their eggs next to their anemone...I Believe. You will know if you could have babies because you will see the eggs. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will sign on soon. I have 2 pairs of clowns and could use info myself.


Active Member
Welcome back!
To answer your question, it could be days, months, years or never. We really don't know what is going on in their little brains so who knows for sure.
In general, it is generally 6 months to 1 year from the time they are fully matured. Watch for the male cleaning several spots repeatedly...then cleaning only one over and over again. That is a good sign that they have chosen a spot and he is getting it ready for eggs.
If you think your clowns are mature enough, you may want to try laying a small ceramic tile at or near the base of their anemone with rough side out. Place it at an angle. They seem to like these and may choose it as a spot to lay eggs. Do this befor ethey choose a spot. Usually once they choose a spot, they don't choose another one readily so pick one that you can quickly replace with an identical tile if you want to try and raise the fry. If their spot vanishes completely for more than a day, they may take up to a year to choose another one so this makes moving a rock with eggs on it tricky.
Joyce Wilkersons book "Clownfishes" is a great resource for raising and breeding clownfish...and just keeping clowns in general.
Hope this helps.


On a side note, your bta should not be white. White=bleached, which is a result of not enough light.