Clownfish Mixing - maroon & False percula


I know that the Maroon is the most aggressive of Clownfishes but I was trying to see if I got them as juveniles and brought them up together if it would make a difference....
well this is the update...
I had 2 clownfishes - one larger and one smaller and 1 single maroon
the larger clownfish died from pop-eye and it was such a shame because the big clownfish and the baby were getting along so well and hung ot together alot. Prior to it's death, I noticed the larger clownfish pushing the little one away and didn't eat much. I noticed the pop-eye and it was too late for me to revive her and I think it stressed her out more when I placed her in the QT.
Here's the question,
I got another clown because eversince the death of the larger clownfish, the maroon has been picking on the little clownfish. well the maroon seems to still pick on them but it's only when I am near the tank!!!!!!!!!!!! IF I am not around, the maroon doesnt act up!!!!!!!! I watch them from afar and they seem to live happily ever after........ anyone experienced this too??????
Do you think that the maroon is being protective of it's food supply? thinking when I am around that they want to scare the Fpercula away???? Any solutions without having to separate them????


I'm hoping not to hear that!! Well, I'm starting my cycle on my second (shallow ) tank to see if I can keep anemone's with 50/50 actinics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
you gotta keep them in seprated tanks. there's no way.
Just to back this up, I have a pair of Goldstripe maroons. I have a false perc kids toy that I placed next to the tank up against the glass. Lets just say... I wouldn't add another clown of any kind to my tank. :thinking:


Poor Clowns, maroon bullies both, chasing them away from getting food!!! other than that there's no problems!! I am still cycling my tank and its not imperative to have to separate them now.
I watch one clown just be still while the maroon nips on him and then the maroon backs off a little.
then my bully damsel (yellow tail/blue fish) pickes on maroon, then maroon picks on clowns. what a kaotic tank!! Can't wait to separate them out!!


Poor Clowns, maroon bullies both, chasing them away from getting food!!! other than that there's no problems!! I am still cycling my tank and its not imperative to have to separate them now.
I watch one clown just be still while the maroon nips on him and then the maroon backs off a little.
then my bully damsel (yellow tail/blue fish) pickes on maroon, then maroon picks on clowns. what a kaotic tank!! Can't wait to separate them out!!


Active Member
dont do it. i was stupid and listened to the lfs and i got a false perc and it killed my poor maroon!! i hate him he also bites my hand when i need to rearrange something


Your false percula killed the MAROON????????????? :notsure: or do you mean the maroon Killed the F percula????
Viper, THanks for your info on my other thread, My main tank with the CHaotic inhabitants is up for 5 months now.. I am cycling my short wide 30 gallon tank so I can separate the Clowns. Maroon needs to get a life and stop picking on the F. Perculas