clownfish mixing?


I have a percula clownfish and he is very active and seems to be a pretty peaceful fish. I also have a yellow tang, lawnmower blenny, and sfe. I am wondering if i could buy another percula clownfish so mine can have a partner in crime. Everyhting in my tank is peaceful and do not pick at eachother. Would it be ok to get another clownfish? :happyfish

thanks kels903


haha no ive had him or the longest time and he doesnt eat anything really except the food i give him. Occationally i will find a shell or two in his lair ( wrapped in a huge pice of lr.) but other then that he doesnt attempt to eat my fish or anything.


Active Member
You are lucky so far. Another clown would work with what you have....assuming he does not become lunch first. Just be sure he is smaller than your current one and things will be fine.
Make it a Perc as well as clowns don't like others of their same species. Although with a snowflake eel living peacefully wiht lots of fishies the twilight zone of a tank you got it may work!


I would seriously think of taking the eel back to your LFS. Sooner or later your fish will become his food. However, if you are attached to him you should try to round up your fish and trade them in. If you bought them all from the same store give the guy a swift kick in the *** from me for taking your money and leading you to believe these were all compatible.


haha ya i went ahead and tried it out and the new clown is really small and seems to be fitting in great wit hthe rest of the tank. The clowns like so swimm around eachother so im glad it all worked out. thanks for the advice.


how big/old is your eel? I would be careful once it gets larger as it will most likely start to turn a little more aggresive and your other little fish may start looking more appetizing.

yeffre kix

My snowflake eel was a holy terror when he got bigger. He was very peaceful for the first year then he decided to attack anything that got too close. He killed a porcupine puffer, blueline trigger, and a clown trigger. I couldn't take it anymore and gave him to the LFS where I got him. Keep a close watch on him.


Fifteen years ago, when I was youngER and stupidER, we used to feed our snowflake eel goldfish...