Clownfish needs help!


New Member
ok so ive had my clown for about a month now and its always in its anoemone...Like nornal but ive noticed some white lookin slime stuff around its eyes and on the bottom fins so if anyone has any answers of what it is pleas help me so we can save him it's been about a week and a half that hes had this and it apears that its eating his bottom fins ..i thought it might be from the anoemone but i was told most likley not....So ive been doing saltwater for a ling time and never seen this b4...please help if you can..i have taken some pictures but its hart to see he dosent like to come out to see...Thank you !



Welcome to the boards! Does it look like the mucas layer is peeling off? Is he eating? Have you added any new fish recently?


New Member
yes he does eat and it dosent seem to bother him there is no new fish its just around his eyes and his bottom fins as well as the spinus thing by his mouth...dont know if that helps you im stumped!


Originally Posted by jes_lyn_m
yes he does eat and it dosent seem to bother him there is no new fish its just around his eyes and his bottom fins as well as the spinus thing by his mouth...dont know if that helps you im stumped!
Alright, the fact that he is eating is a great sign. Do you have a mate for this fish? He/she could be maturing and is staying in the anemone hoping for a mate. Do not go and buy one at this time. It could be a reason why the fish is agitated. You said earlier that there was damage to the tail fin. This leads me to think that it may be an infection. Do you have a cycled quarantine tank?


New Member
no i dont have a mate...its not his tail fin its the two little fins on his belly..and it look like there are being eaten or rubbed off i thought from He/She being in the enomonie so much cause he never comes out but to eat, but i was told that was normal..ive never had one in the like that b4? no i dont have a quarentine tank i know thats bad but ive never needed one nore had the room for one..i will try and get more pictures of him tomorrow when i feed and see if i can get his bottom fins and ? is it bad to do a freshwater dip if its a bacteria? not really sure on the whole thimg when fish get sick..also how long would i do it for aslo another person said to do a hypo....? what is that...Thanks for your imput!


Originally Posted by jes_lyn_m
no i dont have a mate...its not his tail fin its the two little fins on his belly..and it look like there are being eaten or rubbed off i thought from He/She being in the enomonie so much cause he never comes out but to eat, but i was told that was normal..ive never had one in the like that b4? no i dont have a quarentine tank i know thats bad but ive never needed one nore had the room for one..i will try and get more pictures of him tomorrow when i feed and see if i can get his bottom fins and ? is it bad to do a freshwater dip if its a bacteria? not really sure on the whole thimg when fish get sick..also how long would i do it for aslo another person said to do a hypo....? what is that...Thanks for your imput!
The fresh water dip is not needed. If it is bacterial then you would need a cycled qt to treat the fish in. Hypo is for parasite infections. Cycle a quarantine tank ASAP.


New Member
thanks i will get one set up is like 10gallons ok for one? also do you have any idea of what it might be?


Originally Posted by jes_lyn_m
thanks i will get one set up is like 10gallons ok for one? also do you have any idea of what it might be?
Ten gallons is fine. I am seriously hoping that it isn't much, but my instinct tells me that you may have to treat this fish with Maracyn 2 for saltwater fish. It may be a bacterial infection. Most show blotchy red spots, but the fish having his caudal fins deteriorating and the increased slime coat tells me that more may be going on. Get the QT up and running.