Clownfish not doing good help?


Alright here is my problem about 3 months ago I bought two clown fish and when I put them in my tank they got covered with ICH. I tried treating the tank to no avail they both died. Now I bought two more clownfish last weekend and treated the tank for Ich before I put them in and they are doing bad also one has a white spot on it and swims toward the top of the tank. The other is doing fine as of now. I am treating my tank with Aquatronics Greenex that is suposed to rid tank off any parisites, ich ect. Is there anything else I can do to rid my tank of these parasites?
Info on my tank:
Size - 46 Gal
Live rock - 70 Lbs.
Substrate - 30 LBS Fine Crushed Coral
Filter - Emperor 400
Power heads - Two Maxi jet 600
Skimmer - I forgot the brand
Tank mates - Yellow tang ( I Know, need a bigger tank), Goby,Blue hermits, Red Hermits, Turbo Snails, Nassarus Snails, Urchine, Long tenticle Plate Coral, Fire Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, Emerald Crab.
Temp. 76 Deg F
Calcium - 450
PH - 8.2
Salinity - 1.024
Amonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - Below 10
I do a 10 % water change every 2 weeks and clean my tank and vaccum my CC. Any help Please