Clownfish ok?


Ok these are my water parameters: Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, PH and PH(two for reference)

My clowns: the second one is a closer one of the female.

I know they're kinda crappy but, neither of them have that milky film anymore, and he still eats while she'll take food but, spit it out. Should I return them to the DT or keep them in QT?


Staff member
I can't really read those water readings, and the clown pics are too blurry to tell much. I'm assuming the first 3 readings are all zero, the forth is showing some level of nitrates, and can't tell what the pH says. I'm assuming the sick clown is the one on the bottom, 2nd picture, right?
There looks to be a lot of redness in the abdomen area? Is that correct or not? Notice any aggression with the two fish?
Continue the formalin bathes as detailed in the FAQ Topic. Then wait to see if the treatments are effective.
Is that QT well established? If so, try doing 2-3 days of antibiotic treatment with Maracyn Two for Saltwater fish.
Try offering the fish different foods to see if you can coax it to eat.
Use a magnifying glass to observe the sick fish closely, noting any abnormality.
I'm not convinced its brooklynella that you are dealing with but you should continue the formalin just in case....since brook can overcome a fish very, very quickly. If the fish had a significant white sheen, it may have been a bacterial infection, which is also consistent with not eating.


Well, I've already had them in QT for the last month and have been giving them formalin baths. When I first started they were eating fine and had a white sheen. Now, a month later, they both look completely fine except for the fact that she stoped eating about two days ago. Maybe she was just stressed from the baths? Both fish have pretty much no signs of illness. She does push the male around a little but, I've heard that's normal for the first week or so with a new clown pair. She normally eats EVERYTHING from flake to the mix I make but, now she just takes it in her mouth and then spits it out. Should I try mysis or something?


Staff member
Leave them in QT for 5 more days, then, if all checks out normal...they can go to the display.


Well, neither one of them are eating now. She's gotten to be real slugish and just hides a lot and hovers above the bottom of the QT. He doesn't eat anymore either but, besides that, he acts fine. Should I treat them for bacterial infections or internal parasites or something? They don't have any outer symptoms, not even spots or a sheen.


I've done 20% everyday but, I did 40% and she swims around a little more but neither of them will eat still :/. There is a small white worm or maybe feces coming from her though. Ideas?


Staff member
That would be feces. Do you have access to Maracyn Two for Saltwater fish (antibiotic)? If so, use it for 2 days, doing a small (not a big, but a SMALL) water change just before each redose.


Well, the only store I can really go to soon is ***** and I don't know if they'll have it. I can try to look though. Would it be safe for my snails and live rock? Should I give them another bath incase they still have something?


Staff member
Snails and live rock in a quarantine tank? No, they are not safe with any meds. QTs should only have fish.


Just making sure. If it was ok for them then I was going to move the clowns back to the DT. Ok, I'll try to get some to treat them with. I still can't get them to eat any of the things I have that they would normally eat. But, I tried to sift some copepods out of my DT and feed that to the clowns and it worked : /. So how can I get them to eat regular food?