Clownfish pair splitting

mot ii

We have had a pair of clownfish in our 65 gal. tank for about 5 years. They have always gotten along well, no real fighting, always sleeping near each other in rocks, etc. About a week ago we noticed the larger female started hanging out on the other side of the tank. She would swim at the bottom of the tank and stare at the glass like she was looking in a mirror. Sometimes she'd swim up a bit, but never really leaving that one section on the other side of the tank. Then she started swimming up a bit higher, but still in the same area. The other fish (yellow tang, red-stripped angel and flame hawkfish) will swim around by her and hang out... but the small male clownfish just stays at the rocks where they used to be together. We thought maybe she wa sick (although looked fine and parameters in tank are ok). We tried to get her out and into the hospital tank, but she alluded us.
When we were at the fish store the other day, we described the behavior and the guy said it sounded like our pair of clowns had split up. That it isn't real common, but does happen.
Can anyone tell me more about this? I can't find anything on the internet. Will they go back together? Will they stay apart from now on? We can't decide whether to laugh at their behavior or be concerned that they have split.


Active Member
I wouldn't be too concerned. I would start to worry if there was serious aggression occurring.