Clownfish Pairs


New Member
I have a 72 gallon bow front tank and i was wondering if it would be possible to have a pair of orange false perculas and a pair of black false percs in the same tank.
Advice needed.


Im pretty sure that females are going to be aggressive towards any clowns that are not their mate. It wont matter that they are not the same species, they will be able to sense that they are clownfish. So, if you are trying to get these pairs to spawn, it probably won't happen in your 72 gallon tank. If you put up a divider in the tank that the fish can't see through, it might work though; but, it would probably be easier to just get another smaller tank for one of the pairs.
Hope this helps.


New Member
I really don't want the pairs to spawn I would just like them to coexist if possible. would they kill each other?


Active Member
it is possible but there might be some aggression.
just make sure u dont have only one anemone. u need like 10 or more. or they will fight, or no anemones will work too.
i love black pairs. =]


New Member
I don't plan on keeping any anemones for them just for the safety of other inhabitants. I think the black ones are absolutely adorable!