clownfish question

should be no problem... B/W Oscys'and False perculas will do great together... Was considering doing a 65 gal all clownfish tank when i upgrade to 150gal+ tank..i keep a mixed couple now!


Active Member
im actually building 2 168 gallon tanks next summer :p one for me an one for my gf, the size has been constantly going up, but i told her last night that that is the biggest they are gonna get LOL


Active Member
oh yeah, we're gonna have fun with em thats for sure LOL she's even gonna paint a landscape on the back of my tank, and then im gonna do my rock work to match it :p i have no idea what she's gonna do with hers, she's keeping that a secret LOL. and the stand for em is gonna be a pain but, its gonna be pretty cool at the same time, with a 65" big screen in between the tanks, the center of teh stand is gonna be 7' across, 4' wide, with 10' wings for each tank, also 4' wide :p


Active Member
well, luckily her dad is awesome at building stuff outta wood, he's gonna build the stands, its gonna be 3 sections, cause moving that as one complete piece would be wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much work LOL and my best friend, i consider him like a brother, is moving out here next year, and he knows how to build tanks LOL and her brother can get us the glass, pre cut, non-tempered glass, for next to nothing, so, its all kinda panning out LOL


Watch the nontempered galss it scratches, do not use a mag-float to clean it. I learned the hard way. It is nice to have friends that are handy, your lucky.


Active Member
i know, right? and the reason im goin with the non-tempered is so we can drill it :p cause everyone says you cant drill tempered glass LOL


Active Member
im looking at 8x54w T5HO 72" lights by current usa for starters :p i figure iwth it only being 18" high, i shouldnt need MH, thankfully LOL


I have a tank that is 18" deep, I have a metal halide for the anemones. T5's should be fine if you keep them in the upper portion, that is if you plan on keepin nems, something tells me you do.


Active Member
im not exactly sure if im going to or not, i havent made up my mind, and ifi do decide to, it wont be right away, the tankwill be at least 6 months old before i consider adding one


That is the responsible answer.
I on the other hand with me it began with an obsession for keeping an anemone. The corals and fish were an afterthought. I am getting into the fish a littile more now. Gotta love the clowns.


Active Member
lol im very much loving the clowns, although i am becoming kinda partial to a lil angel i found the other night, i just cant hardly find any info on the lil bugger, its a pygmy yellowtail angel, and according to what i have found so far, he can be kept in a school of 1 male an several females, and only grows to 2 inches long, and it gave me this realllllyyyy interesting thought of keeping a small school of 4-5 of them with my school of 5-6 longfin fair wrasses, my 2 pairs of clowns, and assorted gobies :p i just gotta get more info on em, an its kinda pissin me off that i cant find anyhing else on em LOL


My brother has a pigmy angel, it's a tough little bugger, it was beating up his clown had to move it to a different tank. wrasses can fight. I love my gobies and blennys. I just added a yellow watchman, it has a grumpy little face, hoping it keeps my sandbed as tidy as my diamond back. I have a molly miller blenny that is causing me much trouble I will show you in a moment. gotta find it.