clownfish question


Active Member
If the clowns are really young they but the larger they are the harder for them to become a pair (I think). Uusually the larger one will become the female. Also I think it depends on what kind of clown, like false percula clowns are easy to get them to be a mated pair, I could be wrong though.

tru conch

Active Member
that could work, but the smaller they are the easier it is. perculas will mate easy, and i have had luck with seabe's mating. the larger one will be the female of the two. if it is possible, its better to purchase both at the same time and add them at the same time. hth


It is perfectly possible to have one alone and then add another. Just make sure you are adding the exact same species of clown as before. Also, when adding another clown you will want to buy a clown that is smaller tha your current one. Because the largets clown in a tank is the female, you can divert disaster by adding a smaller male clown to the tank so no one will have to change their ---. If you choose a male that is smaller in the lfs tank and is smaller than the clown in your tank, you will most likely have better results in them matching. Also,i find that percs (true or false) bond and mate the best together.
Good Luck!
Tang :)


It's been my experience that clownfish will get very lonely and lethargic if left alone in a tank. I kept a false perc alone in a 20 gallon for a few months and he didn't move much. He would just stay by his house, occasionally swimming to the top. He got more and more lethargic as time went on. We finally decided to add a friend for him and got a very small flase perc. He (now a she) really perked up and now they swim all over the tank. She also about doubled in size within months after adding the young clown. I think clowns are social fish and need company or they get bored, so I would add another one with it from the start if possible.