
hey all..i have had a pair of tomato clowns as my very first fish and i got rido f them a few years ago..i have had a gold stripe maroon and a tomato since then and have HATED them..they dig up everything and are nasty to all my other fish. im looking to re-do my entire reef im getting all new stuff, including fish. im going to have a small school of chromis, probably a fairy wrasse,a purple tang will go in last. but anyways im wondering is it possible to have a small school of clowns and not a pair? andw hat kind would you suggest ocellaris or percs..just like 4-5? i would rather not get an anemone but i could get one if it would help things out for this. thanks


im doing this in my 90. looking for all small fish, probably wont even get a purple all in mind so far is my fairy wrasse,chromis, and clowns.i will be happy with a pair, i just thought if i could get something more and less common i would do that to...just curious


you can get alot of clowns together (same breed), but it is very risky to do it, i had 7 maroons and 2 percs together at one time (not any more the maroons got on my nerves with all their bulldozeing, have 2 left the mateing pair and 1 percula) its hard to add new clowns together with established clowns, and some times if you cant tell how the fish is acting if it wants to kill the new comer or if its showing it whos boss, and yes you can tell if they are going to kill the new comer or let it live, but both ways to someone who dosent know what to look for it will look like a death sentance
my advice would be dont do it as 99% of the other people on her will tell you the same, your 90% likely to end up with a dead newcomer clown and not a happy hairum


well i dont have any clowns in my tank already, i just didnt know if i put 5 in together would it be alright? i would assume one would take dominance like always but would it kill others or what? im looking to ocellaris...i know at the LFS when i worked there had a batch of like 7 in once and a customer bought them all for his display tank...just wanted to know if its bad before i ordered in a few weeks.thanks