Clownfish Sexing


Active Member
Is there anyway you can tell the differnce between male and female true percs? they are only 2-3 months old.



Active Member
Juveniles are males and once they mature the more dominant one will be the female and will be bigger in size .


Active Member
I agree with Dawman, but need to add that when they are doing the dominance dance and deciding who will be the female it can get pretty nasty. Mine fought for a month or so, had a trial separation for another month where they stayed on different sides of the tank. Finally they made up and are now together all the time.


Active Member
No. All clownfish are males - even juveniles. Once a mated pair is established, it's usually the larger of the two that has turned into a female.


Active Member
so if i have 2 of them in a tank, they can become mated, then 1 will turn into a female? so can become mated? when will they?