Clownfish Spawning


New Member
Im trying to get my mated pair of Black Oscallaris clownfish to spawn, and im wondering if they will spawn in a 20 gallon tank with a red coris wrasse and a damsel both fairly small? their is also a couple of corals, and hermit crabs in the tank.

mr llimpid

It took my pair 3 years B4 they started laying eggs. They need plenty of food and a stable environment. The wrasse and damsel may be harassed when they do lay eggs. They will attack any thing that gets near there nest. In my 135 they attack any fish that gets within a foot of there nest.


New Member
Thanks!! I have a larval tank set up for the eggs and if they continue to harass the damsel, and wrasse. I have another tank I can put them in.

mr llimpid

I'm not sure but any specie of clown will lay eggs, I aways have had Oscallaris. To get them to mate you need to set up the tank as natural to there environment as possible. You have to set the mood. Plus perfect water quality and plenty of food.