ClownFish Stressing New Anemone? [PICS]


New Member
I just joined the website because I found out there were some problems going around with my Clownfish and a new Anemone in my 10 gallon nano tank. The problem is I got a new 10 gallon tank and started off with already cycled water packages that I bought online at *****.com. Its been set up for a week So the water was already cycled and I have pieces of live rock in the tank and in my filters. I have 2 filters. I 45 gallon filter (Over filtration is never bad) which is quite loud and a 15 Gallon filter that I use for night time. My lighting is about 30 7000K LEDS and 3 Blue Leds. I keep that on for 12 Hours a day. I have a metal Halide lamp that I put on for about 6 hours a day. At night there are 3 actinic blue LED thats on. The water quality if fine (ammonia,phosphates,nitrates, blah blah blah). I just recently bought a small 2-3 Inch corn anemone. Im not sure what kind that is but i have pics. It is open but i just think something's not right. Its firmly stuck its self on a bad position on the side of a pice of rock with half on the rock and half of it stuck to mid-air. As soon as i placed it in the tank, The clown fish has been rubbing and lying on it ALOT. Im not sure if its stressing out the anemone and I really hope that its doing fine. A few of the tentacles of the Anemone inside or near the side is kind of ripped. They are like half way bent and can be broken very easily. The clownfish is rubbing in it very hard and trying to push it from the edges. It also tried to bite the anemone and YES I did feed my fish. Should I remove the fish for now or is this normal? Please give some replies. Thx!
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Your tank is not old enough to support any anemones. The general rule of thumb is to wait at least 6 months to make sure the tank has matured and is stable.
Chances are the "cycling" agent you bought from ***** is garbage and giving you false readings.
You can't not run a filter. Get one proper filter for that tank and let it run constantly. A 15G rated filter is not enough for a 10g saltwater tank. Freshwater: yes, but not salt.
That anemone looks bleached and unhealthy, you were sold an unhealthy specimen. Give it back. It's going to die in your tank and toxify your water.


New Member
Mine did the same thing and it's not usually an unhealthy anemone. My Sebae looks similar and it was usually wide open and twice it's size. Sometimes they do this to change their water but I noticed that the clown kept pulling the food from the Anemone.
I setup a 10 gallon tank and put the clown in there for two weeks to allow the Sebae time to get back to normal. I moved the live rock that it was attached too higher up and on the of top side of the rock closer to the T5 lights and feed it once a day.
Once in a while it will close up like a pingpong ball then open back up.


Active Member
A few things.
1. Using multiple filters can be an issue if you use only one at a time. Why run the larger one of the smaller one will do the job. Im thinking nitrate issues.
2. The idea of buying cycled water concerns me. Cycling can be sped up but an anemone is a very sensitive specimen vs a hardy fish.