clownfish tank


New Member
i am getting a 30 gallon tank for a pair of clownfish. i will use a box protien skimmer.4 peppermint shrimp.10 turbo snails.1 scarlet hermit.1 blue leg hermit.lots of deco.150 watt internal rock and sand. Is there anything wrong or missing in the settup?


Unless your buying a mated pair you should get clowns that are small.
That way they will grow as a pair. Worked for my false and true percs.
I see some people on this site have had bad luck with either getting 2 females or an over aggressive female when purchasing adult size.
Sounds like a good setup.
What kind of filter are you looking at.
I have a emperor 400 on my 29g. Probably one of the best hang on types. I have my pair of true percs in my 29g