clownfish upsetting anemone?



Just bought a bubble tip from LFS today and my clown fish started to host it right away. The anemone moved around the tank and burried itself in between a bunch of live rock and doesnt seem to want to come out. Could the clownfish be the reason for it hiding? water parameters and lighting are perfect.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by AK
Just bought a bubble tip from LFS today and my clown fish started to host it right away. The anemone moved around the tank and burried itself in between a bunch of live rock and doesnt seem to want to come out. Could the clownfish be the reason for it hiding? water parameters and lighting are perfect.

Sounds like the new anemone hasn't had time to adjust yet. Do you have your power heads covered? When anemones move they have a tendancy to get themselves sucked up.
Just leave it alone and cross your fingers, the clowns just aren't giving it any time. When you first introduce an anemone it is a toss up if they will dig in and be alright. The clowns may be a little part of it "hiding" but mostly it just needs to dig in to get happy.


Thanks everyone. I think Im just not being patient enough. Ill give it some time and see what happens. As of yesterday its moved around a bunch and is still moving. Hopefully it will settle down soon. Im kind of worried about it getting sucked into the filter intake. I have an oceanic biocube. The anemone went near the intake and started to get sucked in. I had to shut off the intake to prevent this but I cant keep watching it and I cant keep the pump off all the time either. Any advice? I think I might need to stack up some live rock near the intake.


I have a Biocube with a RBTA It sat on the lower intake for 2 weeks I think he should be ok there. Also How big is the BTA and how big are the clowns? If the clowns are bigger then the BTA thay can smother it. he might be running for cover.
I rescued a BTA in a Biocube off craigs list that was about half dollor size with a 2" Maroon clown that was killing it. Once I seperated them and started feeding the RBTA every day He is about 3-4" across open now.