Clownfish with worn scales?


I have a pair of black and white clowns...
I haven't had problems in a long time and it seems like my tank is doing really well. A few weeks ago I moved around the rocks and put in a new power head
Although, my Female clownfish has some spots behind her pectoral fins... They don't really look like spots but are more like worn out patches of scales, but they have gotten a bit bigger in the past 3 weeks.
She has a good appetite and is always aware when I approach the tank.
Male clownfish has no signs of this. Could this be because I rearranged the tank? Or is the male doing this? They have been more active lately. Any similar experiences?


no, there is no redness. I haven't noticed her rubbing on the rocks and I watch a lot! Everything seems normal except these areas.


I wouldn't be overly concerned then. Just keep a close eye on it. Do you have a cycled quarantine? If the area gets infected then you will need to treat her. You cannot add the medication into the display.


Originally Posted by niskyvaulter
clownfish don't have scales. whatever you're seeing is probably bare flesh
I guess SOME people just don't have "Nemo" in high definition. tsk tsk