It's been 3 days since ive got my ocellaris, it wont eat, even tried soaking the mysis shrimp in garlic juice! Is it still acclimating? Amm, Nitrates, Nitrites are at 0! Salinity at 1.025 and ph 8.3 temp at 78F help!
This is not that uncommon when adding a new fish. I just sold a maroon and it would not eat for a week. (It missed me) Kidding aside they can get stressed out. You have tried mysis anything else? Did you ask what it had been eating from previous owner? Actually clowns can go for at least a week maybe longer without negative effects. I'd try something different what do you have?
Are yours ORA? If they are, it will will take them a while to get used to the normal food available. My last Picasso didn't eat for a week. I even offered Oraglo and she had no interest. Now a month later she is a champ eater.
Just a little tip that can help
Before you buy a fish ask the LFS if they can throw in a little bit of food in the tank and witness the fish eat. That way you know the fish at least recognizes something as food.
Originally Posted by LIZjane01 http:///forum/post/2857427
When my clownfish were new they would only eat cyclops.
Do you mean cyclopese, isn't cyclops a one eyed monster.
Originally Posted by ocyoo http:///forum/post/2857405
it swims up to the food sometimes, and doesnt eat it... its not ora its from uk
Maybe offer it with a nice hot cup o' tea
Did you recieve it from the UK or did the LFS get it from the UK?
Originally Posted by ocyoo http:///forum/post/2858154
lfs got it from the uk, its captive bread.
Do you know how long your LFS had it? I could still be stressed from the trip if your LFS just got it when you bought him. And also it looks like brookynella