

New Member
I just got a Tomato Clownfish and i want a ordenary clownfish is it ok to have both in the same tank ?


well i have a 3 color clowns in my fish tank and they all get along fine. It is best to bye clowns in threes that way a fish does not die of agreesion. clown fish can be territorial


The Tomato clown is one of the most aggresive clowns. As it matures it won't tolerate any other clown species in it's territory.


I have never heard of buying clowns in 3's...
I think you should stick to one or a mated pair in the tank and don't add one of another species.


If you really want it; go for it. Compatibility is really weird when it comes to fishes. That's why every LFS has the "THERE ARE NO GAURANTEES ON COMPATIBILITY" sign. I have a maroon and a ocillerus, and they get along fine. Clowns seem to be pretty stable and non-aggressive. :cool:


you need to be careful if you have three clowns of the same type. If two pair off(become a couple), then the third is in trouble as they will dominate over him possibly even causing him to starve to death. Remember- three's a crowd.


Clowns seem to be pretty stable and non-aggressive.
If you think this is so, than you should come over to my place and see my 5" Maroon clown. I'd put him up against a trigger, any time. :p
My friend had success adding a perc pair after his Clarkii pair had been in his tank for a year. He introduced them after a water change with lights out and re- arranging his rockwork and adding another but different type of anemone for the new fish. So far so good and as soon as I can find a cool anemone Im gonna try and add a pair of percs to my tank that has a Tomato clown after I get my other tank in and set up. Good luck the key word being luck in this case....... :D


New Member
I know that i'm new to all this but i have read that with time, clownfish go into pairs. So having an odd number will just exclude one and he will lead a lonely life. My yellow clownfish are a perfect example of this b/c they have excluded one of the clownfish and will not allow it in the annenome. But like i said, I'm new to all this.