

I was wondering if I could keep two (pair) of tank raised false Percula clowns in a 6 gal Eclipse with no extra gadgets? I was thinking about 6lbs of live rock, too. Or would it be better to have another type of fish in this small of a tank? I am a beginner on a very limited buget. Thanks a bunch.


My LFS has a 6 gal with a clown and 6 pounds of LR. He also has a small small anenome. I have been in awe of this tank for about 5 months. thinking its so cool that he can keep such a small tank so clear. He said its one of the hardest tanks he has. or at least the one he worries about the much. well about 2 weeks ago he added a chromis and I have noticed his water quality go down severely. But that doesnt mean it cant be done. Im not so brave as to try it. But the way I see it is. if your not happy with one fish you wont be happy with 2. might as well buy a 55gal and have some fun.. :D