

I am completely new to salt water fish. I have a 20 gallon tank and i want to get some clownfish. I have many questions:
1. What do I need to do to start the aquarium and what should I add to the aquarium(live rock, sand, etc.)
2. How long would I have to wait after setting up the aquarium before adding clownfish.
3. Are there any good types of clownfish to start out with and types to not have at the begginning of this whole process.
4. Should I add any inverts such as anemones, crabs, shrimp, etc. If so what kinds?
5. Is there any type of food that is specialized for clownfish.
I need as much help as i can get.
ok so i read your post. im sure if u want you could get away with a hangon filter such as one from walmart or something for up to 20 to 40 gallons if u dont do anemones and coral. you would probably also get a skimmer. (though i never use skimmers only on my 55 gallon reef) but you never know you could get away with out one. (ppl dont get mad. im just saying i dont use one on my 29 gallon clown tank).
you would have to let it cycle for awhile. BUT i set up a tide pool tank three days ago with cylcled water from my reef tank and its all ready for fish and what not. so if u could find someone who is getting rid of there tank you could ask for water lol sounds weird but still. but i wouldnt risk it do to it might have problems with it.
so if u start out you should start out with LR (live rock), LS (live sand) and maybe a few plants. cycling could take along time but its always different i guess. mine has been differnt a bunch of times.
but maybe you should wait for a pro to answer your questiions. im just helping out for now haha.