

Maroon clowns are some of the more violent clowns when it comes to mating. Are you asking when will they pair and make babies? or when will they bond, get along, and start filling their individual roles of male and female?
You are likely years away from having a spawning pair of clowns. One item to consider if this is your ultimate goal is, is to add a ceramic tile to the aquarium at a 45 degree angle. The two will likely take refuge to it and use it to practice their spawning activities.
If the dominant female has stopped attaching the smaller male than it may be a matter of a couple weeks before they are interacting with one another as a "pair"


thanks for the reply.. umm i dont know what to expect from this. I got my 5inche maroon to finally find a fish it wont kill but yes will they mate? Jst because it is not attacking does this mean they will pair or can it be that my old clown is just allowing the new one to hang out?