

Just my opinion--go to the fish store (or several) and look at what they have. You might not like the look of a firefish in a pic, but you might like their stand up straight fin thing when you see one. Then come home and research what you saw and liked to see if its safe/compatible in your tank. Check out which fish like to stay on the bottom, which perch (no pun intended) on the rocks, etc. I think the best way is to see what's out there. Good Luck shopping!!


Active Member
There are a lot of different fish that can go with your clown. What kind of clown do you have and whats your tank size? Firefish, royal grammas, tangs, dartfish, ect. can go with them.


You can put pretty much anything in with Clowns, however, just make sure its not a predatory fish that can fit them in its mouth....I've seen a Porcupine Puffer munch on a few clowns before.