

New Member
Would it be saft to put 2 different types of clownfish together in a 50 gallow tank. Example: Percula and Clarkii


If you put them in at the same time they probably wont fight. Maroons and tamatos or a no no for mixing clowns though the clowns you listed are fine just make sure to add them at the same time


Active Member
IMO I wouldnt take the chance unless its a mated pair or juveniles of the same species to become a mated pair. A 50 gallon doesnt leave much room for two different species "to not notice each other" for lack of a better phrase.


Active Member
I would go against it, its not a good idea to mix clowns. When I fist started out I had two different clowns together and the smaller clown attacked the larger one. I wouldn't take the chance.


Absolutely not! We must remember that these fish are a member of the mean and crazy damsel family, and definitely will show themselves if they see another of their own species in the tank......I made the mistake of putting a Saddleback in with a Tomato (just to see what would happen, because I have another tank in the office) lasted about 5 seconds before they started ripping into each other......the Tomato is now with his buddy the Blue Spotted Jawfish, and they get together fine.


i wouldnt either mixing species really isnt a good idea. clowns can be very territorial over their space. with another type of clown you may be asking for problems


New Member
I have mixed them before with bad results... the bigger of the two took over the tank... ppoor little guy was tuck in the corner.. it was liek he was punished for life int he corner.. so I brought the bigger one back....
I wouldn't recomend those two togeter....


Staff member
I'm still looking for opinions/experiences with a species clown tank. I have only 1 tomato in now [he is small and not that old]. I want to add 5-6 more tomatos/72 gal reef. Anybody have exp with a a clown species tank? I've setup individual false anemones for them [using anthelias] so they won't be fighting over the same "home". The clown I have now bites me if I get my hands anywhere near his anthelia, so I know he's protective. On the other hand, I've posted pics of tomato clowns on the glass to gauge his reaction, and he is somewhat timid and tends to avoid being around the pics---so, I'm hoping this means he'll avoid real clowns if I put them in with him.

randy 12

I've never had problems putting 2 perculas and a tomato in the same aquarium. Several of my friends do the same with no problems either.

randy 12

90 gal, 55, and a few others but I can't remember off the top of my head what size, but I know there's a smaller one and another much larger.