Clowns about to spawn???


Active Member
Lately my pair of aguacultured false percs has been guarding and cleaning a paticular section on a rock. Also the male will kinda do a "vibrating dance" in front of the female. Are these signs that my clowns are gonna be parents? If so, how would i raise the fry? I have a 10 gallon OT tank with a heater and airstone but the rock their cleaning has corals on it. Is their a way to catch al the fry as soon as they hatch? If they lay eggs would my cleaner shrimp eat them? Thnx.


You need the book Clownfish by Joyce D. Wilkerson It will answer all you Questions. Your clownfish seem like they are going to spawn. The first few trys may not amount to much so you have time to read the book. There is so much stuff you need and need to do that the book is the easiest way to answer you questions.


My female(the bigger one by far) is the one who is doing the vibrating to my male. It seems everyone on this board says it is always the male doing this. She has been doing this and chasing him like crazy for the past week. What's up with my clowns?


If you are ever interested in selling or trading you breeding pair let me know I would be willing to work something out with you.