Clowns and Anenome


Active Member
I had purchased some false percula clowns about two weeks ago. I decided that it would be cool to get them an anenome. I bought a condylactus anenome. At the LFS they had the Anenome in a tank with clarkii clowns. When it is in my tank my clowns dont even go near it. Do different clowns go to different anenomes? or do they only venture to it when they feel threatened?


Active Member
yes certain clowns go with certain anomies i would return the anomie and do some research on anomies first before you buy another one

true perc

yea there are only certain clowns that go for certain anenomes. Like a good anenome for percs would be like a sebae.


This is a great place for matching up your anenome with clowns.


If you have false percs the only anemone that they will absolutely go in is a carpet anemone, which are really expensive. I used to have a large condy and it took my three flase percs 3 weeks before they went in. This however is not guarenteed. You should do some research as stated above.
I am new to this as well, I have 6 false percula clowns in my tank and only the biggest one roam around the anemeone (mostly the yellow tip one), and at night time 4 to 5 others will house around the yellow tip anemone...
I have 3 different condys in my tank and my sebae loves them, he only goes into 2 and the other he leaves alone, but IMO I dont go for the whole chart thing, I would say its the clowns behavior.
I agree that the carpet is probably the best choice for the ocellaris clowns, but carpets can be very dangerous for most of the other fish in the tank. I've had luck with bubbletips and they tend to stay put once they find a spot in the tank that they like. Also, they don't seem to be as dangerous for most fish.