Clowns and Anenomes


Is it recomended to get an anenome for each clown? How many hours a day do the anenomes need lighting? When this website says to feed the anenomes meaty foods, what exactly do they mean(spot feed them or just wait until it passes them)? Also what type of meaty food? I know this is a lot of simple questions but I would appreciate any feedback.


I would disagree, that clowns need an anemone. I have two false percs, that intially, just hung out in a little space of their own. Now, 6 months later, they have their homes in some sprouts of hair algea that I've let grow up. They absolutely love it, and anytime they feel threatened, whooosh, there they go back to their hair algea. The smaller one (alpha), actually lays down in it, on his side, looks like he is dead, but just sleeping. I have a BTA, but they don't come close to it . Both are tank raised, so that may have something to do with it. :happyfish


Is it recomended to get an anenome for each clown?
NO, and clownfish can live just fine without an anemone.
How many hours a day do the anenomes need lighting?
When this website says to feed the anenomes meaty foods, what exactly do they mean(spot feed them or just wait until it passes them)?
This means using a turkey baster or aquarium tongs to gently place small bits of food into the anemones tenticals near its mouth.
Also what type of meaty food?
Mysis shrimp, krill, silversides, clam, squidd, formula 1, frozen plankton, flake food. Give them some variety. Not recommended to feed brine unless soaked in vitamins first.
Also don't forget the lighting requirements for anemones, they need that more than food or feedings.


Thanks alot Thomas you have been a big help. Very thorough and I appreciate you answering all my questions. We will see how things go.