Clowns and Frogspawn??


Has anyone ever had a clown host a Frogspawn. The reason I am asking this is because. I have a tank that is going to have several types of coral in it and I don't want to introduce any Anemones that will harm them. So Frogspawn would be the only thing the clowns could host.
Or is there an Anemone that is very gentle and would work in my tank. It is a 29 gallon. I have been looking at Mini Carpet Anemones,,Would they work??


Active Member
Originally Posted by koldsouth
Has anyone ever had a clown host a Frogspawn. The reason I am asking this is because. I have a tank that is going to have several types of coral in it and I don't want to introduce any Anemones that will harm them. So Frogspawn would be the only thing the clowns could host.
Or is there an Anemone that is very gentle and would work in my tank. It is a 29 gallon. I have been looking at Mini Carpet Anemones,,Would they work??

Mini carpets are a bad idea imo. I have a clown that has shown some interest in my hammer, I'll tell you if he ends up hosting. I have one clown that hosts a feather duster, so it's entirely possible that it will host the spawn. I would take that a matter of fact I am lol. I have a 29 too. Good Luck with your tank.


Active Member
I have 2 clowns and 2 anems 1 clown never leaves the anem the other is in a hammer coral and will not go in either anem


I have 2 cinnamen clowns and I have 2 frogspawn's. They host to both of them the exact same way they used to host there anemones till I got rid of the anemones. Remember it is not 100% sure they will host anything but with frogspawns I feel the chances are greater. Just my .02


Clowns can and will host frogspawn... I think it's a bit odd that I've had a hammer in the tank for a few weeks without a glance at it, but I added a frogspawn today which immediately drew the clown's attention. Within the first 10 mins in the tank, the clown is scoping out its new home!


DeMartini, I loved that video!!!
We've got frogspawn, a torch, and a long leather polyp... And our clown is hosting a collection of empty snail shells in the sand.

Guess it just depends on the fish. :eek:)


Active Member

Originally Posted by crypt keeper
that is unreal. How long did it take for your frogspawn to get that big?
frogspawn grows really fast! I had it for about 2 years and I have fragged tons of heads from it.
Originally Posted by The_Hadleys

, I loved that video!!!
We've got frogspawn, a torch, and a long leather polyp... And our clown is hosting a collection of empty snail shells in the sand.

Guess it just depends on the fish. :eek:)
thanks! I sold those clowns to my fish store a couple months ago. My picasso pair hosted the bottom corner of my tank
lol oh well...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleazalino
thats awesome video my clarkii hangs in my big toadstool all day its neat to watch
A clarkii will host anything. My toadstool was a host for 7 months until I added a rose anemone. The clarkii still to this day bounces back and forth between the toadstool and anemone.


could there be an issue with clowns hosting in frogspawn if they won't allow it to fully open? I know others have had clowns host these but mine always stayed closed up when my clowns messed with it. Not sure if you are wanting clowns to host frogspawn but mine have switched between numerous corals. started with mushrooms went to my leather then the frogspawn and finally settled with xenia. leather and frogspawn were not happy about it though so just somethin to watch for.