

Active Member
I'm still new to reef keeping. Converted my 75g FOWLR to a reef 8 months ago because I wanted some clownfishes and corals. Since then, I have been trying to find an anemone that will host my clowns. I was told (perhaps incorrectly?) that a blue carpet and Hatian would host my two tank-raised false percs, but such was not the case. The blue was a TORTURE to me, the Hatian was evil, and my LFS let me trade them in for a sebae and red brain coral. The clowns are still NOT interested in the sebae. Now, I have a friend who loves my pseudo-percs and would be willing to swap her tank-raised Clarkii for my pair. Will the Clarkii take to my sebae? The sebae is not very large...maybe 4-" and her clown is fairly big at about 2.5 to 3". Too big a fish? Do tank-raised clowns ignore anemone hosts more often? Have I just been given bad advice on the kinds of anemones to choose? I really want a clown/anemone relationship in my tank--and really like the Percs and Clarkii's personalities, but am about to give up trying. I don't want to keep trading in fish/anemones.
I want my clown(s) to have a home, darnit. If not, I'm going back to FOWLR, because corals are a LOT more work.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
getting a clown to take an anemone is pretty much luck. My parents actually bought my clown and anemone as a pair for me, they were just there in the store together. My true perc is in a long tenacle anemone, but ive heard of them more often being in bubble tip ones.
I do believe that i heard that tank raised clowns are less likely to take to an anemone. But other than putting the fish with the anemone they usually host there is not much you can do. Ive seen threads on here that list which clowns go w/ which anemone, do a search and see what you can come up with.
sorry prob wasnt much help,


Active Member
Thanks Mark. That's more than I had before. I guess I'll probably try a clarkii and see what happens. But I think I'll ask the LFS to look for one instead...and tell them to make sure the little guy likes his anemone before I get him.


You might want to try giving them some more time with the anemone, because my tank raised Maroon completly ignored my BTA for the first 2 weeks, then one day randomly decided to go in it.


New Member
The 3 Clarkiis at my LFS absolutely LOVE the sebae anemone in with them. I don't know much about this, but I've read that it could take some serious time for them to hook up. I guess just give them some time and see what happens.
Good luck.


Active Member
I guess the thing to do is wait a while then. Maybe the false percs will like the sebae in time.T hanks for the advice!