clowns are fighting


New Member
I've had my clowns for at least two months, but only for like the past few days I've noticed that they are fighting. They are the same kind (at least i'm pretty sure) Ocellaris Clowns. Well, a few weeks ago one started turning darker (he's still orangey but hes just turning like a darker shade on his back) and the other is still bright orange.
So, anyway, the normal orange one is bullying the darker colored one. He won't let him swim around or eat and they seem to fight over the hosting spot. ( the darker one hosted the back, the orange my leather--but now they fight over the back.) Why are they doing this? Is there anything i can do to make them stop?


what does this fighting look like? what are the sizes of the clowns? they may be asserting dominance over one another.....and possibly trying to pair up. cowns that are pairing will nibble one another and shake/shiver.


Active Member
In all actuality they are not fighting. All clowns are born male. Then when they are kept in a tank together and pair up the will see who is the dominate fish. This one will grow larger and turn into a female. It can get pretty nasty and take awhile. Mine did it and even had a trial separation where one lived on one side of the tank and the other on the other side of the tank. They eventually made up and now are the best of friends, this was at least two years ago. So enjoy the nature show you are watching in front of your very eyes.


New Member
most of it is chasing and i guess nibbling so I suppose they are fighting for dominance. So the bright orange one must be becoming the female, it looks like its getting bigger than the darker one.