Clowns getting in the sand


I have had 2 ocellaris clowns in my tank for a week now. It's a new tank. They sometimes get down by the sand and flick it up with their sides or with their tails.
Normal? Or some disease yet to show itself? They are active, look great, and have eaten well since day one.
THank you.


I had a maroon that would flick the sand with it's tail and send up a cloud. It's thing was clearing the sand to lay on the bare glass, odd fish but...Is it rubbing it's side on the sand as if it is trying to rub something off. If so I'd condiser parasites. Are they CB or WC?
Can you see anything on them spots? If not I'd just watch them, clowns are known for behaving oddly, very quirky little fish.


I apologize, I don't know what CB or WC means! But anyways, I was worried about possible parasites but do not see anything on them, they look perfect (as far as I know!!!). They're not rubbing on rocks or anything and it seems to be an occasional thing.
On a side note, my skunk cleaner shrimp would really like to clean them, they don't let him though! Will they eventually? (He gets to clean my goby, that makes him happy!)


CB- captive bread
WC- wild caught
Greater chance of picking up parasites and diseases in WC, many folks prefer to buy CB just for this reason. Just watch them, keep a look out for any spots, can be very tiny and hard to see. Then again may be nothing.
Have no experience with cleaner shrimp, sorry.


Ok, they are tank bred and have adapted well. I'll keep on eye on them though, thanks so much for your help!


Active Member
some clowns like to sleep in the sand...they have odd personalities. If you can see now visible parasites and if they aren't doing it all the time...i'd just wait it out and see. If they aren't wild caught, there isn't much of a chance that they will have parasites that aren't visible.