clowns in 12g nano


Originally Posted by autofreak44
yeah imo they need at least a 30 gallon tank, they get big. better pic would be percula or occilaris (sp?)
Would those type of clowns ever breed in a 12g?
I have 2 occerlis clowns (at least I think they are occerlis) in my 10 gal, and doing great for 2 years. They are a mated pair, working on their first batch of eggs now (hopefully!)


Ok thanks I am thinking of taking the maroons back but I am worried if I do then when I get 2 new ones they wont pair up. Should I take the maroons back since I will probably have to oneday?
Originally Posted by cblount
Ok thanks I am thinking of taking the maroons back but I am worried if I do then when I get 2 new ones they wont pair up. Should I take the maroons back since I will probably have to oneday?

I would take the maroons back and get some perculas or ocellaris clowns. If you want to pair them successfully, pick out the 2 thats most equal in size.
is it the same store you got them from? How long have you had them for?
with me, I tell my LFS that I bought the fish, and I realized I made a mistake, I'd like to return them for what I paid for and get something else. Sometimes they'll agree, sometimes they wont, but let me put the credit to another fish.
Since salt fish has no guarantee, and most places wont take it back at all, it can be a 'better than nothing' deal.


Active Member
for the maroons? yeah probably but you are returning them... if its 4.50 a piece for the percula or occelaris clowns then if they are healthy, yes it is a steal. my percula was $25... also if you want them to mate, you will want to buy 2 of equal size and you will also want them to be verry small because they are born male and can only turn female once. they cant go back... (i think it goes in that order). so it is good to buy small ones becasue there is less of a chance of them having already changed ---. if you get 2 males, the dominant one will become female. if you get 2 females its war...


No I bought them at ***** for $16 but I go to this fish store a lot and he sells his clowns for $16 a piece also. So even if I take the 2 maroons to him I still wont even be able to get one percula.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cblount
No I bought them at ***** for $16 but I go to this fish store a lot and he sells his clowns for $16 a piece also. So even if I take the 2 maroons to him I still wont even be able to get one percula.
What a rip off , tells you they really care about their customers .
If you weren`t so far I`d buy them .