clowns in a 20 gal


From my own experience I would say yes. I had 2 in my old 20 gallon tank for about 6 months before I got rid of it and they did real well. Clowns don't seem to be very big swimmers so I don't think they need a lot of room.


would i be able to keep one other relitaively small fish like a purple firefish or a yellow clown goby


Active Member
I know that ocellaris clows stay smaller than percs and I think I would go with them instead. I think most clowns require 30 or bigger but I think ocellaris would be fine in a 20gal tank. In a 20 I would go with no more than 4 small fish such as a firefish and a small goby of sort. But watch alot of your gobies actually get relativly big around 5 or 6 inches full grown. Stay with something on the smaller size dont want to over due fish in the tank.


Originally Posted by fish2
would i be able to keep two percula clowns in a twenty gal tank.

Yep - I have had a pair in an old 12 gallon JBJ nano cube for three years - and for the last six months they have been spawning like clockwork. The key is to perform regular water changes. I change out 2 gallons every week.