clowns keep laying eggs? wht can i do?


I have a mating pair of clown fish for over a year actually a year and a half. they recently laid eggs 3 times in the past 6 weeks what can i do to save the eggs?????????please respond


Active Member
If they are in a community tank, not much can be done as the fry will be eaten before you can do anything. There is a chance to rescue them before that though.
Caring for clown fry is tricky and time consuming, but not difficult once you know what you are doing. They require special foods and good care.
If you are serious about wanting to keep them alive, then check out a book entitled Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson. That will give you information on how to do everyting. A how-to guide is a little more involved than what can be posted here.
Either way, having breeding clowns is a sign of a happy and healthy tank! Congrrats on that!


Sometimes a tile can be used placed near their home area. The back of the tile is ideal for them to lay eggs on. The tile can be taken out (be carefull the clowns will defend) and placed into the breeding tank.
Your clownfish will continue to breed about every two weeks.